Friday, June 15, 2007
Proof That God Exists And Love Us: Part 2.
Just in time for the weekend barbecues comes this bit of good health news. Red meat does not increase the risk of colorectal cancer. Praise the Lord and shout it from the rooftops! RED MEAT DOES NOT INCREASE THE RISK OF COLORECTAL CANCER!!
There are more quotes in the story about eating lots of fish or something from a University doctor, and not some mere professor doctor like those who teach 19th Century literature, either, but a real white-coat wearing, Dr. M.D. Will do, doc. But don't mind me if I have a steak first.
Gentlemen: start your grills!
"The Fukuoka Colorectal Cancer Study – using a newly developed personal-computer software for registering semi quantitative food frequencies – found that intake of beef/pork, processed meat, total fat, saturated fat or n-6 PUFA showed no clear association with the overall or subsite-specific risk of colorectal cancer." (Here.)That's good enough for me.
There are more quotes in the story about eating lots of fish or something from a University doctor, and not some mere professor doctor like those who teach 19th Century literature, either, but a real white-coat wearing, Dr. M.D. Will do, doc. But don't mind me if I have a steak first.
Gentlemen: start your grills!